Organic Matcha I


Maecenas fringilla, justo vel finibus rhoncus, sem velit fermentum libero, at finibus turpis ante id justo. Suspendisse feugiat nunc sit amet tincidunt eleifend.

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Tencha tea leaves are covered from the sun a month prior to harvest which increases the chlorophyll levels and adds to the sugar content of the buds and leaves. It is then steamed, dried then de-stemmed and de-veined before being put into pneumatic mortar/pestles that pulverize the leaf until it is a powder so fine it almost dissolves in water. Matcha can be mixed with cold or hot water with no loss of nutrient, caffeine, antioxidants or flavour because you ingest the entire leaf. This is one of the ‘healthiest’ drinks in the place…

Weight N/A
50g | 200g | 450g

50g, 200g, 450g


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